Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest
Concurso de cartelones para la semana de listón rojo
Dress-up days HOCO 2024
Días de disfraces HOCO 2024
We are informing the community that the flags at the elementary school are not being flown at this time because there is a malfunction with the pole. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Estamos informando a la comunidad que las banderas de la escuela primaria no están ondeando en este momento porque hay un mal funcionamiento en el asta. Estamos trabajando para resolver este problema lo antes posible.
Scholastic Book Fair September 16-20, 2024
Elementary School Library
Our fast feet Friday total for 9/6/2024 was 551.5 Miles
The grade that walked the most was 4th grade with 104 miles
The class that did the most was Mrs. Montoya's 48.25 Miles
K-1: Jovanni Rodriguez 9 Laps
Kamill Gomez Salinas 8
Joseph Castillo 8
Galilea Alvarado 8
2-3: Marcos Alvarado 11
Axel Rocha 11
Luke Pierce 11
Cesar Ibarra 10
Gabriel Aguilar 9
4-5: Jairo Sierra Serrano 13
Lorenzo Rincon 12
Matthew Bellerive 12
Francisco Rodriguez 11
Heriberto Herrera 11
Mrs. Anderson 8 Laps
Mr. Castro 7
Mrs. Montoya 6
Mrs. Prudencio 6
No school tomorrow due to parent teacher conferences. 9/13/24
DHS HOCO Kiddie Cheer Camp
Homecoming is September 27! Don't miss out on the annual Enchilada Dinner, hosted by the Junior Class! Purchase tickets online!
Join us for Donuts & Discoveries at the elementary book fair on Friday September 13 during parent/teacher conferences!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week!
Thursday 3:15 - 6:15
Friday 7:35 - 11:35
It's time to add a picture to our wall!
The Alumni Hall of Honor, located in the commons area of Lewis Gym, honors DHS graduates who have made positive impacts in their communities. Each year at the Homecoming football game, a new member is inducted.
DHS Student Council is accepting nominations for the 2024 Hall of Honor inductee. Please email letters of nomination to Mr. Smith, Student Council sponsor, Letters may also be dropped off at Dexter Schools.
Please submit nominations by Friday September 13.
This year's Homecoming game is Friday September 27.
It's time to add a picture to our wall!
The Alumni Hall of Honor, located in the commons area of Lewis Gym, honors DHS graduates who have made positive impacts in their communities. Each year at the Homecoming football game, a new member is inducted.
DHS Student Council is accepting nominations for the 2024 Hall of Honor inductee. Please email letters of nomination to Mr. Smith, Student Council sponsor, . Letters may also be dropped off at Dexter Schools.
Please submit nominations by Friday September 13.
This year's Homecoming game is Friday September 27.
Ofreceremos tutoría después de clases a nuestros estudiantes actuales del idioma inglés. Las tutorías serán los lunes y miércoles de 3 pm a 4 pm a partir del 4 de septiembre. Se requerirá que los padres recojan a los estudiantes a las 4 p.m. No se proporcionará transporte. Durante este tiempo, practicarán sus habilidades de expresión oral y escrita en un programa llamado Flashlight 360. Este programa está diseñado para aumentar sus habilidades lingüísticas y practicar para el examen ACCESS. Si desea que su estudiante asista, comuníquese con Lorena Castro, directora de ELL, al 575-734-5420 ext. 371 o
We will be offering after-school tutoring to our current English Language Learners. Tutoring will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3 pm – 4 pm beginning September 4th. Parents will be required to pick students up at 4pm. Transportation will not be provided. During this time, they will practice their speaking and writing skills on a program called Flashlight 360. This program is geared to increase their language skills and practice for the yearly ACCESS test. If you would like for your student to attend please contact Lorena Castro, ELL Director, at 575-734-5420 ext. 371 or
The varsity volleyball players were our guests at breakfast this morning.
Los jugadores universitarios de voleibol fueron nuestros invitados en el desayuno de esta mañana.
Scholastic Book Fair
September 16-20, 2024
High Five Friday
Go Demons!!!
School total 366.25 Miles! Increase of more than 30 miles from last week!
5th Grade ran the most with 74.75 Miles.
Mrs. Nava's Class ran the most with 38 miles
K-1 Top performers:
Ayden Armendariz
Matteo Chavez
Johl Sedillo
Itzel Rangel
All these students ran 6 laps!
2-3 Top performers:
Adrian Vasquez 10
Axel Rocha 10
Luke Pierce 10
Marcos Alvarado 9
Jesus Reyes 9
Nikolas Gomez 8
Valente Ordonez 8
4-5 Top performers:
Lorenzo Rincon 11
Matthew Bellerive 11
Demri VandenBout 10
Anarah Chavez 10
Jose Gonzalez 9
Last weeks individual high was 9 laps, this week we had 7 students run 10 or more!
Matthew Bellerive and Lorenzo Rincon now hold the Fast Feet Friday record of 11 laps!
S/O Mrs. Nava and Mrs. Montoya who both walked 8 laps a piece for their classes!
¡La escuela totaliza 366,25 millas! ¡Aumento de más de 30 millas con respecto a la semana pasada!
El quinto grado corrió la mayor cantidad con 74,75 millas.
La clase de la Sra. Nava fue la que más corrió con 38 millas.
K-1 Mejores artistas:
Ayden Armendáriz
Mateo Chávez
Johl Sedillo
Itzel Rangel
¡Todos estos estudiantes corrieron 6 vueltas!
2-3 mejores jugadores:
Adrián Vásquez 10
Axel Rocha 10
Lucas Pierce 10
Marcos Alvarado 9
Jesús Reyes 9
Nicolás Gómez 8
Valente Ordóñez 8
4-5 mejores jugadores:
Lorenzo Rincón 11
Mateo Bellerive 11
Demri VandenAcerca de 10
Anará Chávez 10
José González 9
La semana pasada el máximo individual fue de 9 vueltas, ¡esta semana tuvimos 7 estudiantes corriendo 10 o más!
¡Matthew Bellerive y Lorenzo Rincón ahora tienen el récord de 11 vueltas de Fast Feet Friday!
S/O Sra. Nava y Sra. Montoya, ¡quienes caminaron 8 vueltas cada una para sus clases!
Nuevamente, ¡gracias por anunciar y reconocer a nuestros increíbles estudiantes y todo su arduo trabajo! Tener un buen fin de semana.
Fast Feet Friday Schedule/El Horario de Fast Feet Friday
8:30-9am K
9-9:30am 1st
9:30-10am 2nd
10-10:30am 3rd
10:30-11am 4th
11-11:30am 5th
Fast Feet Friday Schedule/El Horario de Fast Feet Friday
We encourage you to plan ahead. Wear a blue t-shirt or DD t-shirt, walking shoes, hat, and sun-screen. Take an umbrella and/or water. Visitors do not check-in at the front office. Walk around the west side of the building to the track north of the school. Sign-in with Coach at the track. Please walk around the west side of the building when leaving rather than the inside of the building.
Le recomendamos que planifique con anticipacion. usa un azul camiseta o camiseta DD, zapatos para caminar, gorra y gafas de sol pantalla. Llevar paraguas y/o agua. Los visitantes no se registran en la oficina principal. Camine por el lado oeste del edificio hasta la pista al norte de la escuela. Firmen su nombre en el papel con el entrenador. Camine por el lado oeste del edificio al salir en lugar del interior de la escuela.
Have a great week of learning Dexter Elementary students and families. We are assessing students this week for iStation and iMSSA, beginning of the year (BOY). Assessments begin tomorrow, 8/20/24 through Thursday, 8/22/24. We ask for students to get good rest, and we will provide them with a good breakfast. Good rest includes 8-10 hours of sleep. It's important for students to arrive on time, be in attendance, and refrain from early check out, please. Assessments are important because they inform instruction. We know our students will show what they know on the test. We encourage you to tell your students each morning to do their best and follow up with them when they return home. They love your words of encouragement, and they love to talk about their day! We appreciate your support.
Que tengan una excelente semana de aprendizaje, estudiantes y familias de Dexter Elementary. Estamos evaluando a los estudiantes esta semana para iStation e iMSSA, comienzo de año (BOY). Las evaluaciones comienzan mañana, 20/8/24 hasta el jueves 22/8/24. Les pedimos a los estudiantes que descansen bien y les brindaremos un buen desayuno. Un buen descanso incluye dormir entre 8 y 10 horas. Es importante que los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo, asistan y se abstengan de salir temprano, por favor. Las evaluaciones son importantes porque informan la instrucción. Sabemos que nuestros estudiantes demostrarán lo que saben en el examen. Le animamos a que les diga a sus alumnos cada mañana que hagan lo mejor que puedan y les haga un seguimiento cuando regresen a casa. ¡Les encantan tus palabras de aliento y les encanta hablar sobre su día! Agradecemos su apoyo.